Table Top

BRONZE  21.25” x 13” x 15.5” |  Edition of 25

“ I will always lean my heart as close to your soul as I can.” Once in a life you find someone who completes you. Your twin soul. They are that other half who you can tell your secrets to, things you have never shared with another soul. They listen with intent, they accept your light and your darkness. They love you for who you are. There is never judgement, jealousy or competition. I have always felt to love another person with all of my heart, passionately and with soul, this is what it means to be alive. To embrace another human being, in that architectural embrace where you feel the other person’s blood running through their hearts. That is the most intimate landscape a human can experience. While working on the piece, ‘My Beloved’, I was listening to the letters of John Keats written to Fanny Brawne and I was so moved by the one line he wrote to her.

“You cannot conceive how I ache to be with you: how I would die for one hour …”

With that one line, “My Beloved” was born.


Collections: TABLE TOP

Type: Table Top