

December 21, 2023




I was wondering about falling into you

how it happened and the translucent way

we carry one another from noiseless vowels to

voluptuary adjectives and imaginary longing

all wrapped around words, tongues tied to this craving.


Sometimes I am afraid that we won’t survive the material world.

I dream our flesh rears itself up like predators in wet jungles

and begin to feed upon one another

with the appetite of starving animals.


Our hearts catch fire,

and the water of our bodies becomes fluorescent

fueling the thirst of blind seduction.


Something is leading me down this path

something wants the words to turn to breath,

something wants the wondering to taste the salt of flesh.


The trees in my garden have eyes

shadows hiss at the light.

Icy bodies by need circle the sun,

my birds stay close

watching me wait for you.


© Gesso Cocteau

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